SWOT Analysis
"Marketing returns can be difficult to measure. In measuring financial ROI, both the R and the I are uniformly measured in dollars. But there is as of yet no consistent definition of marketing ROI. “It’s tough to measure, more so than for other business expenses,” says one analyst. “You can imagine buying a piece of equipment … and then measuring the productivity gains that result from the purchase,” he says. “But in marketing, benefits like advertising impact aren’t easily put into dollar returns. It takes a leap of faith to come up with a number.”20Strengths:
Ÿ Premium vodka
Ÿ Collection of various flavors (Vanish, Vain, Vixen, Venom) to suit adult target market
Ÿ Distinct, unique bottle shape
Ÿ Reasonably-priced for premium vodka
Ÿ Product of extensive vodka research
Ÿ Starting, small company
Ÿ No brand awareness
Ÿ Weak brand distribution
Ÿ More flavors
Ÿ Expansion to other states
Ÿ Export to other countries
Ÿ Saturated vodka market in Vegas
Ÿ Established, big-time competitors
Ÿ Loyal customer base of established competitors
Ÿ Entry to Vegas clubs
.Cited. Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to ...(page 37 of 43 — printed page 60)
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